
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Swedish Paintballs!!!

These are what Reballs look like.
Paintballs mostly used for team practices.

Hey guys, sorry we haven't posted anything recently, both of us are in Sweden on vacation from our USA lives. In other news, we did actually go out paintballing here in Stockholm (capitol of Sweden for all of you people failing geography).  We decided to play at an outdoor field for 2 reasons. One, pretty much every indoor/speedball field has the same layout/look so we wanted to see what a legitimate Swedish paintball field could look like. And the second is that the indoor fields here use reballs. Reballs are basically paintballs without the paint. So you can't really know for sure if you hit a guy. They run the game with a honesty system. Didn't sound that appealing to us.

So the game itself was pretty much shit. We ended up going on a bad day with bad weather, and we used rental Tippmann 98, you know you never really understand how bad the rentals are until you have to reuse them because you don't have your equipment on you. The worst part of the entire trip was their stupid surrender rule. Although we don't like using the surrender rule because its just way more fun shooting a guy, we still respect the fact that shooting a man from point blank range is actually pretty dangerous. For some stupid reason, their surrender rule was "optional"... So basically you could go up to a guy and say surrender to him. The "options" of the guy being surrendered are either surrender or attempt to either shoot you or run. If the guy doesn't surrender you are allowed to shoot him point blank range. That rule is bullshit because shooting someone from point blank range is very dangerous, it could give you a nasty welt, break the mask of the guy you shot and maybe injure someone.

Eli and I didn't fully understand that so during game, we managed to get around a corner with two enemy's around the other side of the corner. Eli turned around and surrendered them both, and they put their markers up and light him up. So, during the game, we had like a ten minute argument with these assholes about the rules and the ref comes up and agrees with them. So after that incident we just decided the next few games were bullshit and played until our paint ran out. For some fucked up reason, the refs split the teams with about six guys using rentals and 4 using their own equipment on our team against 8 people using Eteks and Egos with two other rental guys on the other team. Plus our shit team did not spread out enough and move up at all even though we told them to. So ya we got murdered. They also had a pair of guys working together one using a shield, which wasn't really fair, and the other had an Ego. We got destroyed. End of story. Moral of the story: Don't go to Sweden to play paintball... and check the rules before you go play.

This is the field we played at. It is owned by Spela Paintball. Some Swedish company

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