
Friday, July 30, 2010

Pros and Cons

There are many pros and cons between indoor (aka speedball) and outdoor paintball (aka woodsball) fields. I cant tell you one is better than the other because everyone has different preferences but what I can do is tell you about each and so you can make your decision on which one you prefer. First of all let me give you a slight description of each. An indoor paintball field is generally very small and the bunkers are generally mostly made of inflatables. Indoor games also tend to be really quick in pace so the faster your marker shoots the more chance you will have in winning the game. An outdoor field in contrast is usually bigger and the bunkers can be anything from wooden structures to the trees around you. Outdoor fields are also much slower and so a more accurate marker is best for it.

Indoor fields:

1. You can fit more games in a day
2. There are usually many fields around
3. Teaches you how to power slide
4. Helps you communicate and work as a team
5. Teaches you how to snap shoot

1. You are more likely to get out early in the game
2. Often very loud
3. Usually no good cover
4. It gets very crowded

Outdoor fields:

1. Games last longer
2. You are more free to move around
3. More people can fit in one game
4. There are theme based fields
5. Teaches you how to flank
6. Helps you learn how to play with a bigger team

1. Running around with a lot of gear for a long time
2. Sometimes not enough refs to have a fair game
3. Team confusion which can cause friendly fire

I hope this helped you figure out which fields you like the best if not then you are just going to have to go out and find out by yourself.


  1. Outdoor is so much better, especially in a huge field in the woods.

  2. bitches are gay and dogs are gayer, but u are the gayest of them all

  3. do something in life im a tournament player that plays all the time you losers! I win almost $5000 a month cause im actually good at something unlike u panzys
