
Monday, August 2, 2010

General Team Tactics

Hey guys this post is going to be for those people out there interested in either continuing and further improving your tournament skills or for those who are just started their own team. The only way to win is to develop good communication skills within your team members and to fully comprehend each members' playing style. There are a few quick and easy tips we will tell you that could do just that!

First off, if you just started a new team, the best thing to do is to try and play a few public games with your team members to get a feel for each persons playing style. Seeing that one of your players would rather play back using his/her marker that was built for accuracy and range is a good start to building a good formation for your team. Teams generally have three positions; Front man, middle man, and back man. Pretty obvious what each position does but for those slower people out there, here is the break down.

A front man is usually a guy with a quick marker and who isn't afraid to be aggressive. The front mans job is to advance, pin and take out as many enemy's as possible. This allows the rest of the team to move up while the front man keeps pressure and constant fire on the enemy. So if your the aggressive type that just likes to be in the middle of the battle this is the position you should be playing.

Middle men are a little bit further back than the front man and their job is to cover the front man. If they see a front man go down, it is generally their job to take hold of that flank so the enemy cant move up and flank your teammates.

The back man usually stays at the closest bunker to your starting position and communicates to the rest of the team where the enemy's are. Generally they would try to direct their team on which flank could be taken and how to move about to take it. They should have the most accurate marker with the most range.

We could go into more depth with these positions and explain further on some more specific jobs/tactics they could use but that will be in another post. Thanks for reading this and if you have any questions leave a comment and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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