
Monday, August 2, 2010

How to Get a Team Started

Hey guys, in this blog we are going to be talking a lot about tournaments, competitions and team tactics but before my good friend Danny and I talk about those things I would like to talk about how to create your very own team with some of your friends.

First thing first, you and your friends need to be committed to the time, money, and hard work that will go into creating your own team. You and your potential team also need and I mean NEED your own gear and equipment because most if not all tournaments do not have rental equipment or markers and it just looks more professional. Also a good thing to do is to start asking around and talk to people who already have their own team. They would give you the best advice for making a team.

Once you've already decided on a team and after you get the proper equipment, its time to think of a kick ass team name. Obviously this isn't exactly the most important part but its a fun thing to do. Also before sticking to a team name you should check other paintball teams to make sure that your name isn't taken.

Ok now your ready to join a tournament. You have to go online and search for which tournament you would want to sign up to. A great site I always use to find tournaments is They have a whole section devoted to upcoming tournaments and sooner or later we will to. We just gotta get settled with this website but anyways...look up tournaments that aren't to far away and that are meant for rookies. You really don't want to accidentally join a professional tournament and end up getting demolished. It will cost money to register so make sure everyone in your team is available that day because you don't want to waste your money registering for something your team isn't going to show up. Registering in advance is a must because there are a certain amount of slots available. The sooner you register the better.

Now you have a team and you have registered. The last thing you should make sure to do is to go over the formations and tactics you are going to use. Again later on we'll teach you more about tactics and formations but if you want to really get prepared for a tournament, set up a little scenario in your backyard and pretend you are in a game. Don't actually start shooting paint because thats illegal but make good time and practice your communication skills and your flanking movements or your positions and get comfortable with the rest of your team. It is extremely important to know how your teammates play because you generally cant win a paintball game by yourself. Also you can't have a good team without knowing how each team member plays.

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